Sunday, February 2, 2025

Neil Patrick Harris launches envy-inducing lifestyle newsletter

Wondercade is a curated collection of the actor’s musings, travels, curios, and interviews with celebs.

The title “Wondercade” comes from a word Neil Patrick Harris made up to describe what he’s created: “A newsletter crafted by me and delivered weekly to your inbox. It’s where the world of food and drink and design and decor, entertainment and experiences all gloriously collide,” the actor reveals on video while mixing a cocktail.

In short, the newsletter is a “compendium” of things NPH finds interesting and inspiring, as well as offering a window into his deliciously privileged existence.

In the first issue of the newsletter we gain insight into his friendship with fellow Broadway alum Audra McDonald, a recent trip to the Amalfi Coast with hubby David, his latest favorite cocktail accessories, and much more.

“From profiles of fascinating destinations around the world to recipes for delicious meals and craft cocktails to conversations with talented performers and game-changers on my radar, each weekly issue of Wondercade will be filled with knowledge and insights that just might prepare you for a better, more exciting life,” says NPH in his first editor’s letter.

“At Wondercade, our mission statement is that life should be entertaining. I’m excited to give you a little window into my world, and remind you (yet again) that a life spent in good company is a life well-lived.”

You can sign up here.

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