Friday, October 18, 2024
LGBTQ+ RightsStyle

Hot tee for Pride: Say Gay T-shirt is loud and proud!

“Say Gay” T-shirt colorfully and proudly fights Don’t Say Gay bills.

Etsy shop The Tee Service has introduced a colorful collection of “SAY GAY” T-shirts, totes, mugs and even throw pillows to show some love and support for LGBTQ kids, teens, parents, and teachers now, during, and after Pride season.

The “SAY GAY” T-shirts are unisex and come in 8 colors. The large tote and throw pillow come in 5 eye-popping colors.

100% of the profits from The Tee Service’s “SAY GAY” merchandise will be donated to fight passed and proposed “Don’t Say Gay” bills across the U.S.

Available at The Tee Service shop on Etsy via

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