Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender lifts the lid on campy classic Hollywood

The Golden Age of Hollywood had its fair share of LGBTQ+ stars and documentary Color Me Lavender opens the closet on July 16, courtesy of Kino Lorber.

From the ground-breaking director of Rock Hudson’s Home Movies and From the Journals of Jean Seberg, The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender is another witty and enlightening essay on the gay undercurrents of Hollywood’s Golden Age. Dan Butler (Frasier) acts as tour guide as he uncovers a squeamish fascination with gay eroticism and camp. The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender is a rich and funny meditation on American sexual identity, film history and culture. You will never look at Westerns the same way again!

Own your own copy from Kino Classics!

DVD SRP: $19.95

DVD Item #: K25934

DVD UPC: 738329259341

Genre: Documentary

Year: 1997; Rating: NR; Runtime: 104; B&W / Color

Director: Mark Rappaport; Actors: Dan Butler

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