Saturday, September 7, 2024

Photos from Marque and Hector premiere red carpet and screening in NYC

The premiere red carpet and screening of Marque and Hector took place last week at Red Eye NY in NYC. Attendees included Joslyn DeFreece (co-creator, actor), Linus Ignatius (director, co-creator, editor, actor), and Miss Peppermint (actor), Executive Producers Valerie Laury and Jeffrey Weber as well as producers Chelsea Bryn Lockie and Shameek Bose.

Additional guests in attendance were Devin Norelle, Cory Wade, Mila Jam, Dee Trannybear, Braunwyn Windham-Burke, Jennifer Spinner, Nuni Borenstein, Sawyer DeVuyst, Sean Duke Shannon, and Tony Morrison, Senior Director of Communications at GLAAD.

Watch the premiere episode of Marque and Hector here.

The event benefitted GLAAD and as part of the partnership, Tony Morrison, Senior Director of Communications at GLAAD moderated a panel following the screening.

As a project created by queer and trans voices at every level of production, “Marque and Hector” is deeply aligned with GLAAD’s mission to amplify LGBTQ+ voices and hold the media accountable for the representation of our community.

As GLAAD prepares for its annual Media Awards, the Marque and Hector team used event as a call to the community to support GLAAD, and a celebration of the power of media to effect positive change.

GLAAD’s mission has become increasingly important in today’s world, where LGBTQ+ people still face discrimination and marginalization. Media representation plays a critical role in shaping public perceptions and attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community, and GLAAD’s efforts to promote fair and accurate representation are essential to building a more inclusive society.  

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