Saturday, September 7, 2024

See RuPaul in action in first look at new Netflix comedy, AJ and The Queen

RuPaul stars in this outrageous series as a down-on-her-luck drag queen traveling across America in a RV with a tough-talking 10-year-old stowaway. AJ and The Queen arrives on Netflix on January 10, 2020.

This fun, outrageous series explores ideas of family, friendship, love, and loss. Together they help each other navigate the heartbreaking past, the challenging present and a hopeful future as Ruby and AJ travel the USA searching for a little happiness and the very best breakfast waffle. Part Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Part Touched by an Angel. Oh, and RuPaul performs a killer musical number in every drag club.

Watch the trailer below and check out a collection of stills showing a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race alumni!

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