Saturday, September 7, 2024

Queer Eye Season 5 heads for Philadelphia – first look pics

The Fab Five are returning to our screens on June 5th for a new season of makeovers, life affirmations and heartwarming moments.

This season sees Karamo, Bobby, Tan, Jonathan and Antoni head to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia, to spread their positive messages of love, acceptance and truth in the birthplace of America.

In an election year, with American politics the way it currently is, this could be exactly what is needed!

Check out these cool preview pics of the upcoming series and get on over to Netflix on June 5th to binge!


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Robin Gray

Robin is the co-founder of Queer Forty. He loves movies, TV, politics and video games. He has a passion for shining a light on underserved segments of the LGBT community and telling their stories.

Robin Gray has 18 posts and counting. See all posts by Robin Gray

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