Queerantine + Chill
Queerantine + Chill is a daily podcast created by Vincent Jones of Citizen Jones Travel, which is documenting how the global LGBTQ+ community is experiencing the coronavirus pandemic.
I had the pleasure of chatting with Vincent about his new podcast, and here is what he had to say.
Richard Jones: What made you start a podcast ?
Vincent Jones: I was inspired by DJ D-Nice to organize a global T-Dance with gay Djs around the world. While organizing that, I talked to friends about their experience and realized there was something there. It was interesting to me to hear how different countries where experiencing this moment. I also wanted to use the opportunity to ask people to talk about gay life in that place to expand people’s horizons and maybe inspire them to put new places on their travel checklist post the pandemic.
RJ: Why did you chose for it to be LGBT focused and about the COVID-19 pandemic?
VJ: LGBT people are everywhere, so we’re able to tell the broader the story. But we’re also embedded in communities in unique ways, depending upon a variety of factors including how welcoming that place is, how comfortable a person is with themselves, etc. This uniqueness also creates an interest opportunity for storytelling. Most importantly, I feel that the voice of the queer community is often ignored or not uplifted in its fullest dimensions.

RJ: How has creating this podcast helped you personally?
VJ: It’s been incredibly cathartic. Talking to people about their experiences during the pandemic has helped me to resolve my feelings around my own. I’ve been inspired by powerful stories of resilience. I’ve laughed my ass off at some crazy stories. I’ve made new friends around the world. I got to catch up with long time friends too. I also got to truly understand a medium I’ve been fascinated with but scared of at the same time. I’ll definitely be doing other podcasts and helping others to produce them too.
RJ: How are you finding the restrictions where you are located?
VJ: I’m privileged; I have a decent apartment, and I can work from home. I can have my groceries delivered, I have ample entertainment to pass the time, and my WiFi is strong. I even have a patio to enjoy sunlight and fresh air, and to grill food occasionally. I’m also an only child and somewhat ok with being alone, despite my general Uber-social demeanor.

RJ: What are you looking forward to the most when we get back to whatever new normal we will have?
VJ: The feeling of getting through customs, picking up my luggage, and getting into an Uber in some foreign country at the beginning of a trip, spending time with people in real life and not on video, and being able to operate my businesses again. Not being able to travel has been the hardest. I intended for this year to be my most travel-heavy year to date. I was even considering to begin splitting my time between LA and Mexico City this year. Those plans have all changed.
To listen to Queerantine+Chill head here to find all the links available.