Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Queer Forty Podcast Launches!

Today sees the launch of the partner podcast to Queer Forty hosted by the co-founder and editor of Queer Forty, Richard Jones. Richard is no stranger to broadcasting, having co-hosted a TV show in the UK and a radio show in Northern Ireland both with Anthony Miller. 

Richard Jones at Belfast Pride by Bernie Mcallister

The Queer Forty Podcast will highlight the “Movers & Shakers”, as Richard calls them, of the queer world… people who are doing amazing things in their life who happen to be over 40.  

The first episode sees Michele Karlsberg join Richard to talk about her career in publishing, literary marketing, show producing, and life as an over 40 lesbian. 

Michele Karlsberg by Tamika Hernandez

Don’t miss an episode, head to Alternatively, you can listen to the Queer Forty Podcast on  SpotifyApple Podcasts, or wherever good podcasts can be found!

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