Monday, March 31, 2025

Sanderson Sisters to reunite in ‘Hocus Pocus’ Halloween virtual event!

Get ready for some witchy fun, because Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy will be returning as their iconic Hocus Pocus characters later this month for a worthy cause.

The actors, who appeared as the Sanderson witches in the 1993 cult classic comedy/horror film, are putting on their cloaks again for a virtual event entitled In Search of the Sanderson Sisters. The special event will aid the New York Restoration Project.

All proceeds from the event will be donated to “creating more green space for underserved communities to grow their own food, connect, and access safe spaces directly in their neighborhood”.

“Your three fav witches… are returning for one night only,” Midler posted on Instagram, sharing a picture of the iconic trio in their classic costumes in front of a blue screen.

“In Search of the Sanderson Sisters is the best thing to happen to #Halloween since Hocus Pocus + Reeses Pieces. Get your tix now (link in bio) and support @NYRP #nyrphulaween.”

Parker added: “The candle was lit for the best possible reason.”

In Search of the Sanderson Sisters  will also include special guest appearances from Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jennifer Hudson, Kenan Thompson, John Stamos, George Lopez, Adam Lambert, Michael Kors, Todrick Hall and many more.

Earlier this month, Midler also semi-revealed that she will reprise her role as Winifred Sanderson in the upcoming Disney+ sequel, telling Entertainment Tonight that she “can’t wait to fly!” Although Midler, Parker and Najimy haven’t yet been officially confirmed for the film, Mark Garris, the writer of the original Hocus Pocus, has stated that he “heard” that they will make a return. This is huge news for Hocus Pocus fans!

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