Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Queer solo show ‘Making Friends’ extended

Tom DeTrinis stars in an acclaimed gay solo performance now streaming until Jan. 18.

Making Friends was written and performed by self-confessed rage-aholic Tom DeTrinis and filmed live at L.A.’s Pico Playhouse for digital release by IAMA Theatre Company.

Tom DeTrinis is a quick-witted, angry actor/writer/director/producer who just wants to be your friend. Growing up, he was an overly-sensitive child whose large, Long Island, NY family — five siblings, 15 aunts and uncles, and over 30 first cousins! — would have preferred he keep his emotions on a leash.

“Everyone thought they knew how to raise me better than my mom and dad,” he says. “I think it was all the mixed messages I was getting that triggered my anger while I was still very young.”

And boy, did he get angry. Making Friends offers up a non-stop, hilarious litany of grievances, unmasking DeTrinis’s singular views on everything from cheese (“vile f***ing spoiled milk!”) to New York City (“its clutches grab you from the moment you enter until it squeezes the very last ounce of joy out of you right before you shrivel and die slash leave out of JFK/Newark or GOD FORBID LAGUARDIA?!?!?!”).

“But seriously,” he says, “I think it’s important to talk about anger. Especially coming off of this presidency. We are all so angry, and we need to start recovering. For me, this show is about healing.”

Tom DeTrinis in solo play Making Friends | Photo: Jeff Hammerton

Directed by Drew Droege, Making Friends is available for viewing via streaming through Jan. 18, 2021. Tickets, which start at $15, are sold in weekly blocks and include access to a series of talk backs including guest moderators Leslye Headland, Michael Urie, Byron Lane and Tom Lenk.

“SENSATIONAL… FANTASTIC, RIBALD AND TOUCHING… Mr. DeTrinis is a vocal chameleon who creates hilarious outré characters.” – Theatre Notes

Tickets to Making Friends start at $15. For more information on ticketing, streaming and satellite events, go to www.iamatheatre.com.

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