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Dudgrick Bevins
Dudgrick Bevins is a queer interdisciplinary artist who infuses poetry into all other forms of art, including film, fiber, painting, and publishing. He is an MA candidate at Kennesaw State College in American Studies and an MFA candidate in Poetry at City College of New York. He is the author of the collaborative chapbooks Georgia Dusk with luke kurtis (bd studios), Pointless Thorns with Nate DeWaele (Kintsugi Books), the books Vigil (bd studios, forthcoming) and Route 4 Box 358 (bd studios), and the solo chapbook My Feelings Are Imaginary People Who Fight for My Attention (Poet’s Haven)
Queer readings: The dark side of 'Happiest Season'
Why 'The Haunting of Bly Manor' is the best queer horror series streaming
The Bureau of General Services — Queer Division is the ultimate LGBTQ space
A virtual visit to the New York Queer Zine Fair
The Gay Menagerie: Queer Gothic warnings of the incestuous home in 'Red Dirt' and 'Dream Boy'
Home is somewhere else: Disney Princess as queer model of escape from the “provincial life”
Dudgrick talks to… Charlie Welch of Lobo Del Mar Gallery
Dudgrick meets....John Curtis Jennison
Gays, Panic: The Queer Crypt, from Vampira to Stan the Mechanic.
Dock Your Boat at Queerport!