Friday, March 28, 2025
Anthony meetsInterviews

Anthony meets Jeza Belle

To be an evangelical minister was the original plan for the trashiest but MOST fabulous Queen of New York, Miss Jeza Belle!! Previously hailed for her harlots guide to classy cocktails; she’s back, big, brighter, more controversial and if at all possible lovelier than ever, with her Christian devotional ‘Jeza’s Jesus Juice’.  A Cultural Jew raised a Christian in New York City- she exudes DRAG and NYC!! I hope you enjoy our must watch chat!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” —Hebrews 4:12

What an opening! No, I will NOT sully this article with the obvious one liner that follows – I mean to say something along the lines of “said the priest to the bishop” would just be quite awful! However, far from being a laugh, and actually a very serious, and I think super-challenging scripture- it is the opening of my favorite, New York drag queen, Jeza Belle.

“Discovering Divine Delight: Jeza’s Jesus Juice is a Spiritual Soiree”

Step into the fabulous world of Miss Jeza Belle, the trash-to-treasure Queen of New York, as she takes you on a journey with her latest creation – ‘Jeza’s Jesus Juice.’ Formerly celebrated for her guide to classy cocktails, Jeza Belle now unveils a Christian devotional that promises to be a cocktail for the soul, serving up a blend of spirituality, humor, and controversy. Join me for an engaging chat with this Cultural Jew, Christian, drag sensation!

Jeza Belle, the once-aspiring to be, evangelical minister, adds a new chapter to her story with ‘Jeza’s Jesus Juice.’ In this bold exploration of Christianity, she transcends stereotypes, offering a fresh perspective on the true meaning of the word of God. Far from being exclusive to certain demographics, Jeza Belle believes that divine guidance is for all souls worldwide, and her book serves as a vessel to reconnect us with the universal love and peace that knows no boundaries.

With an opening quote from Hebrews 4:12, Jeza Belle sets the tone for a serious yet captivating discussion. “It judges the attitudes of the heart,” she emphasizes, drawing parallels between the word of God and her own impactful message. Delving into contemporary issues, she tackles the spotlight on drag queens, challenging stereotypes and offering a timely reminder of the importance of supporting entertainers who have brought joy during challenging times.

For those less inclined towards the ‘God Stuff,’ the book provides a rich tapestry of debates, life stories, and anecdotes that promise to captivate even the most skeptical readers. And if that’s not enough, turn to the recipe page for a ‘thirst’-quenching solution – Jeza’s Jesus Juice. Whether you prefer the spirited or alcohol-free version, this beverage is sure to be a hit, leaving you refreshed and inspired.

In a world filled with contemporary problems and divisive voices, Jeza Belle’s ‘Jezza’s Jesus Juice’ stands out as a beacon of positivity and unity. Show your support for the drag queens who have entertained us through thick and thin by grabbing a copy today. Your small purchase can make a significant difference in the life and soul of those who continue to bring joy to our lives. Visit any online or local bookstore or check out Jeza Belle’s Instagram at #iamjezabelle or her website for a dose of divine delight. Cheers! to a spiritual soiree with Jeza’s Jesus Juice!

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Anthony Miller

Anthony Miller a well known media commentator in the UK he often appears on BBC TV and radio. Having worked with Richard Jones as a Civil Partnership expert appearing on many tv channels around the world, he is excited to be writing as a columnist for Q40 and BWM. INSTA: @antmiller101 TWITTER: @antmiller101 WWW.ANTHONYMILLER.CO.UK

Anthony Miller has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Miller

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