Friday, March 28, 2025

Alexander’s Midweek Movie News

They literally will make a movie about anything.  Mattel, the toy creators of Barbie, etc, is partnering with Blumhouse (Get Out, Paranormal Activity, Halloween, Happy Death Day) to bring you a film based on the Magic 8 Ball.  My prediction = shit show. 

We reported that Rob Pattinson was in the finals to play Batman.  Now its official.  He’s Batman.  In other news, Ben Affleck will be playing Edward Cullen in a Twilight musical to play off off off off Broadway.  The new Batman film will also include the role of Robin…who would you pair with Pattinson?

Other Batman casting news – Vanessa Hudgens is campaigning hard to play Catwoman.  Meh.

We know that Harrison Ford doesn’t want any more Indy’s but confirmed Indiana Jones 5 will start the cameras rolling in 2020.  Get ready for Indiana Jones and the Lost AARP Card!

Chris Evans wants to do a buddy comedy with Chris Hemsworth – um, yes.  And yaaassss…..Chris squared, I’m all for it.

Other comic book heroes that have teamed up, Tom Holland and Chris Pratt play elf brothers in Pixar’s upcoming film, Onward.  Two hot guys that only appear animated?  Hate it.

Also starting production in 2020 is Supergirl!

Elton John is getting sassy with Russia, publicly speaking out against the nation’s decision to remove the gay sex scenes from Rocketman.  Russia stated that it violates the gay propaganda laws – um, I think Elton’s outfits did that already.  Okurrr….

Fans have rallied to have Johnny Depp reprise his role as Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean 6, with a petition going around.  We know that Jack Sparrow’s character was going to be replaced by with a female version.  Who has signed the petition so far?  Johnny Depp and his agent.  And his lawyers.

Its Pride season and the horror film, Babadook, got a Blu-ray release that is Pride themed.  He’s become the unofficial gay horror film creature – because of his fancy clothes or because of his dislike for children?  Happy Pride!

Sooo…we had heard that Star Trek 4 drama was due to contracts and money.  Chris Hemsworth stated that he didn’t want to come back as George Kirk in the time travel Star Trek sequel because the script just wasn’t that good.  Yikes.  What he DID want to sign on for was Ghostbusters (female version) sequel.  ALTHOUGH, Chris almost quit the Ghostbusters reboot the day before production started because he thought his character was not thought out.  He has since stated that it was one of his favorite roles.

Zachary Quinto is still holding on to the idea of playing Spock again and hopes the next Abrams Star Trek film gets made.  Rent must be due.

And you get a biopic!  And you get a biopic!  Dexter Fletcher, Rocketman director, wants to do a Madonna biopic.  Maybe Lady Gaga can play her.  LOL

Disney’s latest live action remake?  Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.  Oy.  In today’s day and age, it will probably be titled Snow Racially Diverse Lady and the Seven Personalities.

Jesus, Kingsman, get your shizz together.  We reported last week that the Kingsman prequel was titled The Great Game and included Liam Neeson.  Well, either an intern totally messed up or the film is in trouble.  The prequel is NOT titled The Great Game and does NOT include Liam Neeson.  What a waste of my Liam Neeson impression last week.

So maybe Quentin Tarantino isn’t retiring just so fast.  He just hired a script writer to write a film script based on the comics that pair up his character Django with Zorro, yes Zorro.  I didn’t even know that was a thing.  Say wha?

Georgia, you in danger girl…Disney and Netlfix have stated that they would probably not film in Georgia due to possible changes in abortion laws.

The original Candyman actor, Tony Todd, will make an appearance in the reboot.  Not clear in what character capacity.

Fun Fact:  Justin Timberlake was being considered to play Elton John in Rocketman.  Hmm…


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Alexander Rodriguez

Alexander is the host of iHeartRadio/Here TV's 'On the Rocks Radio Show: Where Celebrities & Cocktails Mix' - Academy, Emmy, Golden Globe, Grammy, Tony and Razzie Award winners, he's drank with them all! Twitter/Instagram: @ontherocksonair or visit for more fun!

Alexander Rodriguez has 20 posts and counting. See all posts by Alexander Rodriguez

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