Friday, March 28, 2025

Alexander’s Midweek Movie News

Did you like the Ghostbusters female reboot?  Well director Paul Feig hasn’t given up hope for a sequel.  Honestly, I liked it – I don’t understand why it was ripped apart so much.  In other Ghostbuster news, Sigourney Weaver and Bill Murray are supposedly up for starring in a sequel to the original franchise and they have read the new script.  Fingers crossed its not gonna be a shit show. 

Sesame Street is getting a big screen adaptation!  No word yet on if Bert and Ernie will have any love scenes.

Sorry Dark Phoenix – not only did it bomb at the box office, it earned the lowest CinemaScore rating and Rotten Tomatoes score for an X-Men film.  How about we take some time and make some good films instead of just putting new comic book movies out every month?

Ladies and Gentlemen – Bradley Cooper is single again.  His break-up with his four year relationship with his baby momma became public this week.  Cue the Lady Gaga rumors!  If that doesn’t pan out, Bradley, call me!

Rocketman 2?  Apparently one of the producers wants to make a Rocketman sequel covering more of Elton’s life.  Not sure how exciting that film will be as Elton has been sober for the last chunk of time and not up to his party life shenanigans.  BUT, the producer also wants to focus on doing a David Bowie film.

The Wonder Woman poster was revealed last week, I thought it was a Pride ad – its pretty gay and fabulous!  You go, girl!

In WTF news, Justin Bieber challenged Tom Cruise to a martial arts match via Twitter.  And he’s serious.  No word yet on if the Church of Scientology will fund it.

Prince Ali, yes it is he…Aladdin remake has already surpassed the original animated film’s box office.  And yet they STILL couldn’t afford a vocal coach for Will Smith.

How did Margot Robbie end up in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?  She literally asked him for a role.  She wrote to Tarantino after her Oscar buzz for I, Tonya.  It worked!

In other confrontation news, Michael Douglas stated that Steven Spielberg was responsible for Douglas NOT getting a Cannes’ Best Actor Award for the Liberace film Behind the Candelabra.  Spielberg was the jury president of Cannes that year and we know he doesn’t like any film on a streaming/cable service to get Oscar or big film award recognition.

Mindy Kaling might be the latest star to join the comic book film world, she met with Marvel to discuss Ms. Marvel – whether as a writer or as an actress, we aren’t sure.

Scrooged, originally starring Bill Murray, will be getting a reboot with…Kevin Hart.  Maybe the Ghosts of Christmas Past will show up and show Kevin his tweets from yesteryear and demand he change his ways.


We know Rob Pattinson is Batman – what we have also learned is that his Batman will be 30 years old (much younger than Affleck’s Batman) and that the film will NOT be an origin story, Batman will already be living the Batty life.

Fun fact:  Hugh Jackman was almost fired as The Wolverine from his first X-Men film – he wasn’t the first choice to play the role and he was having some difficulty with the character and crew during the beginning of filming.  Obviously, things worked out.

Another fun fact:  Robert Downey Jr. wasn’t that highest paid actor in Iron Man – it wasn’t Gwyneth Paltrow either.  It was Terence Howard.  Yeah, I was surprised too.

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Alexander Rodriguez

Alexander is the host of iHeartRadio/Here TV's 'On the Rocks Radio Show: Where Celebrities & Cocktails Mix' - Academy, Emmy, Golden Globe, Grammy, Tony and Razzie Award winners, he's drank with them all! Twitter/Instagram: @ontherocksonair or visit for more fun!

Alexander Rodriguez has 20 posts and counting. See all posts by Alexander Rodriguez

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