Friday, March 28, 2025

Alexander’s Midweek Movie News

Shazam – and just like that the sequel is in motion with the original writer and director, and of course, star.  If it ain’t broke, why fix it?  The movie was considered a hit, even if it was DC’s lowest box office for an opening weekend. 

Disney’s Little Mermaid gets its Ariel…its ….Glee’s Lea Michele!  Now before everyone freaks out, its only for the Anniversary Los Angeles Hollywood Bowl concert version.  BUT – we know Lindsay Lohan is campaigning hard to get the part and she responded on social media to Lea’s casting with a simple…HUH?  Under the Sea will be retitled Under the Shade…

We heard that Idris Elba was replacing Will Smith in Suicide Squad 2…well, this is true and its not true.  Will Smith is leaving, Elba is in but he’s not playing Smith’s Deadshot, he’ll be an entirely new character.  Maybe Will Smith wants to leave the door open?  That’s like keeping the keys to your terrible ex’s apartment.  In other Suicide Sqaud 2 news, Viola Davis is coming back.  She’s vying to be the female Morgan Freeman and star in every possible project.

Best friends forever!  Until your movie flops.  Will Ferrell and Adam McKay dissolve their film company after Holmes & Watson flopped.  Well, it didn’t just flop.  It jumped off the Empire State Building and splattered.

MORE Alien and Planet of the Apes films coming!  Or at least that’s what’s promised with the Fox/Disney merge.  I wouldn’t mind seeing Sigourney kick some Alien ass again, but I think I’m done with apes for a while.   A film franchise that might not fare so well?  Die Hard 6 is put on hold with the new deal.  Sorry, Bruce!

The new Terminator will be able to split into two in the upcoming film, awesome!  Twice the bad acting.  The film also features the return of Linda Hamilton and Arnold.  She stated this week that the last three Terminator films were forgettable.  Ok, girl…calm down.

Lebron James is front and center for Space Jam 2 – of course everyone loves the first Space Jam and it became a cult hit. BUT – rumor has it none of the top NBA players are interested in being in it.  Oh myyy…..

Early Spider-man Tobey Maguire says he’d like to come back in another superhero film.  Um…no thanks.  We good.

Vin Diesel will appear in James Cameron’s Avatar sequels…I think now there are 354 sequels being worked on.  You guys, Avatar really wasn’t that great.  Believe me.

Avengers: Endgame – wear diapers, not because you might crap yourself from excitement, but because the run time is 3 hours long.  Oy.  I only watched Titanic for three hours because I got to see Leo’s hair flop around.  If you make me wait three hours, I’m telling you this – CHRIS EVANS BETTER BE SHIRTLESS.

Rachel Weisz is rumored to be a possible cast member in the Black Widow movie.  YAAAASSS QUEEN!

Helen Mirren’s Netflix account got suspended so she’s pissed.  Well, that’s my story.  She came out against Netflix this week and stated there is nothing that replaces an actual movie theater experience.

Once again fighting gay rumors, Hugh Jackman is all jazz hands and smiles at the possibility of returning to The Greatest Showman sequel – which is apparently being talked about positively.

CATS the musical film has wrapped!  Good news, its directed by Tom Hooper who directed King’s Speech.  Bad news, its directed by Tom Hooper who directed Les Miserables.

Chris Hemsworth is open to playing the next Bond.  I’m open to that.  My legs are definitely open to that.

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Alexander Rodriguez

Alexander is the host of iHeartRadio/Here TV's 'On the Rocks Radio Show: Where Celebrities & Cocktails Mix' - Academy, Emmy, Golden Globe, Grammy, Tony and Razzie Award winners, he's drank with them all! Twitter/Instagram: @ontherocksonair or visit for more fun!

Alexander Rodriguez has 20 posts and counting. See all posts by Alexander Rodriguez

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