Friday, March 28, 2025

Alexander’s Midweek Movie News

John Wick 4 is officially a go, and on the fast track with a release date of May 2021 – that was fast!  Everyone was more than a little surprised that John Wick 3 blew out the box office.  Whoa!

In other Keanu news, he’s up for a sequel of Constantine – I WOULD KILL FOR A SEQUEL.  The film was so good and so smart, I think it is wildly under appreciated.

Saw is getting a spin off from…Chris Rock?  Yes, you read that right.  The comedian and actor is getting into the horror genre.  He is also filming a role for the reboot of The Witches.

You have to give it to M. Night Shyamalan – he just doesn’t give up.  Even after a bad Glass reception, he’s working on a new film that will be sci-fi.  I think only aliens would see his films from here on out, no one on this planet wants to see another M. Night film.

From sucking blood in Twilight to sucking at the box office, Rob Pattinson is pretty close to being our new Batman.  The internet went crazy!  No film he made since Twilight has even come close to that box office, though his independent films have given him so critical acclaim.  What say you?  Also, we will be seeing Catwoman and Penguin in the Batman reboot.  Gurrlll, we already did that.  Moving on.

Will the live action version of Mulan be the most expensive Disney film to date?  According to Mulan remake villain Li Gong, this costs over $300 million.  Interesting, as Mulan is not Disney’s most popular film that comes to mind.

Michelle Rodriguez is back for Fast and Furious 9 after she insisted that women be represented better in the franchise – the film has added a female writer.

Bond 25 is halted yet again.  This time, because Daniel Craig was injured on set.  Want me to kiss your boo boo, Danny Boy?  Oh, I can’t say that.  Bond 25 has also hired an intimacy coordinator, what the hell is that?, to make sure that everyone on set is comfortable with the sex scenes.

Soooo…Aladdin might not be as terrible as we might have thought.  Early responses have been good, but who knows how it will do at the box office.  I have to admit that Aladdin was my first cartoon crush and I have thought about a real life Aladdin in film, although it was a different type of film.

In other live action remake news, Mortal Kombat will get a reboot – releasing in 2021.

In even MORE live action news, Disney’s Rescue Rangers is getting a big screen treatment.  No casting news as of yet.

Sony has created a production company, PlayStation Productions, that will focus on creating film and TV based on Playstation games.  Which ones would you like to see?

I reported last week that Mel Gibson was getting back into films.  He will also direct a remake of The Wild Bunch – with Michael Fessbender, Peter Dinklage and Jaimie Foxx in talks to star.  Has Hollywood forgiven Mel Gibson?  Interesting to note that Wild Bunch’s original director, Sam Peckinpah, was prone to alcohol and drug issues and was often violent and unpredictable in real life.  Hmmm…

In other Has Hollywood Forgiven? news, Woody Allen got the rights back to his film, A Rainy Day in New York, that Amazon had shelved due to child molestation allegations.

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Alexander Rodriguez

Alexander is the host of iHeartRadio/Here TV's 'On the Rocks Radio Show: Where Celebrities & Cocktails Mix' - Academy, Emmy, Golden Globe, Grammy, Tony and Razzie Award winners, he's drank with them all! Twitter/Instagram: @ontherocksonair or visit for more fun!

Alexander Rodriguez has 20 posts and counting. See all posts by Alexander Rodriguez

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