Saturday, July 27, 2024

All Grown Up – A new podcast

All Grown Up Now by Kenneth D King is a tale of retail, relocation, revenge, re-invention, reckless behavior, really good clothes, indiscretion, infidelity, domestic violence, and a kidnapping!

All Grown Up Now is the story of a life seen through the framework of a friendship. Written like a novel, the story follows two main characters, Ken and Mark, on a fast-paced romp through the 1980’s and early 90’s.

Kenneth D. King

What started originally as a book has become a weekly podcast, read by King himself. The book is still available on Amazon and supports the podcast wonderfully. Asked why he chose to serialise the book in podcast form, Kenneth’s response was:

It was actually a suggestion from a friend. I was casting about for ways to give the novel more visibility, and thought back to Armistead Maupin.  He serialized all of his novels in the San Francisco newspapers.  The only time I bought the paper, was on Thursdays when he was releasing another installment.  Since people don’t seem to be reading as much, the podcast form sounded like a good idea.  So, every Thursday (in homage to Mr. Maupin) I release another episode.

Read the rest of the interview with Kenneth D. King on Bear World Magazine here.

Head to Amazon to buy the book here and listen to the podcast below (use the Menu function to navigate through all the episodes):

For other ways to listen, you can also visit the podcast page: and the All Grown Up now Soundcloud:

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