Saturday, February 22, 2025

All-new 2020 VW Atlas Cross Sport: smaller, more agile but still a beauty/beast

Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, but elegance and class are pretty well-known and easily identified, as are items and people who truly lack it (who said Donald Trump?).  Certain standards must be met, and if you can meet them, all is good to go. 

So when it comes to new cars, sometimes the newer the better when it comes to aiming high up the ladder. The all-new 2020 Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport, a smaller, more stealthy version of the regular ole VW Atlas midsized SUV, fits the bill nicely.  And starting at just $30,545, it’s also affordable luxury somewhat unbecoming of the German automaker, who is known for speed more than dripping jewels.

First off, the Atlas (and the ‘smaller’ Atlas Cross Sport) is considered to be a midsized SUV. If you consider something that is over 16-feet-(US)-long to be midsized, well, yes, I guess – maybe. Finding room for this enduring beauty is a challenge – be sure not to try stunts with this car that you might try with a compact.

Well, it’s not THAT big.  I mean, it’s not like a Chevy Suburban or a Cadillac Escalade.  Those SUVs are tanks.  The 2020 VW Atlas Cross Sport is smaller and more nimble – but it’s still a big boy. Be nice to it, treat it like a pretty infant, and respect its girth.

Also, careful how you park it. It sits tall and rides tall, even though it comes in at around 5-foot-6.  It’s one of the taller kids in the class, especially once you put winter rubbers on it.

(I will say, I am still impressed by how well the Atlas is doing when it comes to sales.  It was a really Johnny-Come-Lately to the party just a few years ago, but it really is one of the best mid-to-big SUVs out there.  Quality does matter, yes.)

I tested the 2020 Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport V6 SEL Premium.  After all is said and purchased (hill control, adaptive cruise control, 20-inch alloy wheels comes standard, to name a few), this particular newborn comes in at $48,095.  Plus taxes.

But, wow, it was a joy to drive and cruise around town in. The leather-ish trim on this interior really is nice.  The steering wheel has an elegant, refined finish to it.  It handles nice and feels nice.  I think the pictures here tell the full story.  Basic black rarely has looked this good.

I think this one is definitely one of 2020’s best. Everybody wants an SUV these days, and I get it.  They really do have more utility, and in today’s world of always being on the move, that’s important. 

Just a word of caution: this beauty is a beast.  It’s one of the most elegant ones out there but it’s big.  You will need to make sure you have room for it – wherever you have to go.  And if you want to add roof rails or platform shoes, well, make sure it doesn’t scrape and damage the garage door.

Size isn’t everything, and the 2020 VA Atlas Cross Sport is proof: being plus-size does get your noticed – and wraps you in a lot of love!

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