Thursday, February 6, 2025
Affordable LuxuryHealth & HappinessHomes & Gardens

Allison & Ilene: Passion and play 24/7

As former owners of the award-winning Bed and Breakfast, Roux Provincetown, we spent more than a little time thinking of meaningful ways to enhance our Guests’ experience.

Now, with Roux behind us, and as founders of The Zest Zone LLC, we’ve added ourselves to the Guest list and outed ourselves as passion players in the self-care movement. Quite frankly, our timing could not have been better.

These are crazy, unprecedented times. While some leaned into the shut-down with an intention to learn a new language, Kondo closets, or begin that new novel, we went in with the clear intention of coming out the other side healthier, stronger, and more vibrant.

As two women living and loving through this anxiety economy, we intentionally upped our self-care game because we knew without it, quite frankly, we’d be no good to each other or anyone else for that matter.

Ilene Mitnick & Allison Baldwin

And, so, we created a list of how to leverage this time we’re living through. Top of the list — rituals. Top of the ritual list — essential oils.

While we have well over a hundred essential oils to choose from, on any given day our blueprint includes morning, mid-day, and evening regimens that incorporate 25+ essential oils or essential oil, plant-based products. Our daily playlist includes products for brushing our teeth; showering; hair care; skin care; supplements; sexy morning coffee dates (Wild Orange in coffee or espresso is a gorgeous way to start the day); detoxing with lemon or tangerine oil-infused water; meditating; diffusing our pure plant power into the air throughout the day; mixing up cocktails, mocktails; meals prepared with any of the 30 culinary oils we have on hand;  luxurious evening baths; and night caps of stress-reducing, sleep-inducing diffusions.

Rather than let crazy take hold of us, we focus on keeping ourselves strong loading up with oils with immune-boosting, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, stress-reducing properties. We literally choose a state of mind for the day and then work up an essential oil protocol to go for it.

The impact of essential oils went deep for us. We’ve transformed our lifestyle, our medicine cabinet, and our well-being — body, mind, and spirit. When we learned we could cook with the oils, a kitchen romance began. From cooking to baking to mixing up boozy or spirit-free drinks, when you use therapeutic-grade, certified essential oils, you can confidently boost your imagination and fire up your senses in the kitchen.  We use dōTERRA essential oils, exclusively, for their third-party tested purity and potency.

With the advent of The Zest Zone, we’ve taken our lifestyle to the streets and created a business around it. We’re on a serious mission to help others create self-care rituals with the most beautiful products on the planet to up-level their well-being — body, mind, and spirit. It’s all about empowerment. It’s about owning and creating your day.

— Allison Baldwin & Ilene Mitnick – Founders, The Zest Zone LLC


As queer female entrepreneurs, Alli and Ilene are actively looking for more queer womxn to join their team. For more info:

Instagram: @thezestzone and @zestfoodlab

Facebook: thezestzone

Allison and Ilene are founders of The Zest Zone LLC, Certified Essential Oil Specialists. and Wellness Advocates for dōTERRA International.

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Richard Jones

Richard is the co-founder of Queer Forty. As a 40-something gay man, he is passionate about creating good, informative and entertaining content for the over 40 LGBTQ Community.

Richard Jones has 136 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Jones

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