Thursday, February 6, 2025

Andy Grammer joins forces with Trans Chorus of Los Angeles

In honor of Transgender Awareness Week, multi-platinum singer-songwriter Andy Grammer partnered with the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles for a heartfelt, celebratory singalong.

The Trans Chorus of Los Angeles is America’s first Trans Chorus, embracing all members of the trans, non-binary and intersex communities. The special live performance of “Damn It Feels Good To Be Me” was made into a video that celebrates how important it is to live your life, your authenticity, and to feel good about who you are. In conjunction with the partnership a donation has been made by Andy to the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles.

“The Chorus really enjoyed the song and especially performing it with Andy around the piano. It was upbeat and expressed how important it is to live your life and your authenticity and to feel good about who you are. That is the thrust of our Chorus philosophy of moving from victim to victorious,” was the official statement released by the TCLA.

Connect with the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles here. Check out Andy Grammer here.

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