Friday, March 28, 2025
Anthony meetsBooksInterviews

Anthony meets Dr Meg Arroll

Tiny traumas, the traumas that are not spelt with a capital ‘T’—these are the things that happen that leave a residue on us, but, if we try to explain them  or explore them with others, we often find that they are ‘belittled’, or even completely dismissed. 

Dr Meg Arroll, now in her sixth book, has written what I can only describe as a manual for identifying the ‘tiny traumas’ that have happened in our lives. She highlights the effect they have us on when they happen, and how they continue to shape our lives.  

However, the book goes further than that. It also provides a healthy response to those discoveries, by providing healthy exercises and strategies we can engage to work towards a life that is less impacted by those ‘bumps’ along the way. 

Meeting Dr Meg was for me truly a pleasure and an honor! Immediately, I was drawn to her kind face, her eyes that shine compassion and experienced wisdom, the soothing tones of her voice, and the reassurance of her balanced intellect. In front of me, was what I felt compelled to describe as an ‘Earth Angel’.  

I almost cringe using such a phrase, but it was an instinctive feeling and response to the ethereal being that I was in the presence of.  It was no surprise for me to discover that Dr Meg, although a highly-qualified academic, and professional in practice, is an adult who was a child who has a ‘lived experience’ of parental psychological/psychiatric instability. I find that in any profession, those who have walked the walk talk the talk much better, and that most certainly is the same in this instance. 

So, why would I urge you to watch our chat and read the book? 

Well, quite simply, no matter how balanced and wholesome your childhood, no matter how successful, or comfortable your adulthood, no matter how sound or fragile your mind — I am confident that your life is shaped by traumas of all sizes. It is also, most likely, that where there have been BIG traumas, you will have identified them, and that they are in your conscious decisions.  

However, I am willing to bet that your inner narrative is often plagued by those tiny traumas, those events that have left you feeling “just not right”.  When you are sure that things are off, albeit perhaps only a ‘bit off’, it is because those tiny traumas are prevalent in your existence.  

The thorn in your paw may well cause a lifelong limp that will impede you, limiting your relationships, friendships, and success. Why wouldn’t you seek out someone with a pair of tweezers? It makes sense, right!? 

I will also be having a Facebook Live with Dr Meg if you would like to join my page Ant Miller Celebrity Columnist and from there I will share the link.  This is a great opportunity to meet Dr Meg and hear what she has to say.

Purchase the book here. Follow Dr Meg on social media @drmegarroll.

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Anthony Miller

Anthony Miller a well known media commentator in the UK he often appears on BBC TV and radio. Having worked with Richard Jones as a Civil Partnership expert appearing on many tv channels around the world, he is excited to be writing as a columnist for Q40 and BWM. INSTA: @antmiller101 TWITTER: @antmiller101 WWW.ANTHONYMILLER.CO.UK

Anthony Miller has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Miller

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