Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Anthony meetsFront CoverInterviews

Anthony meets Marcella Detroit

Join Anthony to enjoy his exclusive chat and the precious time he spent in fabulous company with one-half of Shakespeare’s Sister, none other than the amazing Marcella Detroit.

“You better hope and pray that you make it safe back to your own world, 
When you sleep at night they can't hear your cries in your own world” 

Remember the video? The pale face? The glossy black hair?  The heavy black eyeliner? As she wrestled for the soul that she wanted to take back to her place — her place being another world entirely — not a flat above a bakery in Downtown New York. 

It must be said- to be fair, irrespective of the potentially ‘permanent’ road trip, it would have been one trip I might have been tempted to ride shotgun for! 

Marcella…is a beautiful, intriguing soul, I was quite taken by how wholesome and serene, she appeared to be. Marcella is clearly a thinker, her intellect is invitingly obvious, as too her big smile. I knew this was going to be a fabulous chat. 

I am not sure, what I was expecting, but…the epitome of a lady, and the warmth of a glorious sunny day, was not on my presumption’s bingo card. In life we often get to meet one of our idols, in media we sometimes get to meet a few more than most people would. In meeting Marcella, I felt, I need meet none more (although I am super-excited to meet the guests to come, of course). What I mean is she is so NOT the stroppy diva pop star that’s so terribly off-putting when considering the whole who to ‘book in’ list, that it’s almost a jinx that I’m going to end up with a diva from hell soon.

Marcella Detroit, is talent personified!! She is naturally celebrity…effortlessly ‘TV,’ and, she is both nonchalantly and humbly fabulous which is YAAAASSSSS I know it’s an oxymoron and I make no apologies for it- so there! Gaia, nurture, nature, but also good craic and sparky and challenging! These phrases spring to my mind as I consider how I would describe her to you if she was enroute to meet us at the pub, for a bottomless brunch (I mean bottomless bubbles! Keep it pg!). It’s how I picture her in my head! She has that ‘something something’!

No doubt you will agree when you watch our chat…

Follow Marcella on Instagram and keep up to date with all her news here www.marcelladetroit.com. Get the album here.

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Anthony Miller

Anthony Miller a well known media commentator in the UK he often appears on BBC TV and radio. Having worked with Richard Jones as a Civil Partnership expert appearing on many tv channels around the world, he is excited to be writing as a columnist for Q40 and BWM. INSTA: @antmiller101 TWITTER: @antmiller101 WWW.ANTHONYMILLER.CO.UK

Anthony Miller has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Miller

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