Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Anthony meetsInterviews

Anthony meets Niraj Kapur

It is not often I get to sit down and have a read just for pleasure. That in mind, I have included some recommendations below, that I think you might enjoy.

First up is an author, who randomly is from my hometown! It truly was a coincidence to discover that we were raised around the corner from one another. Niraj Kapur, small town Northern Ireland, ‘The Troubles’, multiculturism was not something anyone had heard about.  Niraj, a young chap of Asian heritage “was going to be the first Asian Jon Bon Jovi”. That plan did not come to fruition.  However, becoming a best-selling author certainly did work out! 

Noted around the world for his motivational talks and professional mentoring, Niraj has used his own life experiences, some tragic, and a big dollop of humor to guide people through their own professional and personal challenges by sharing his stories post-divorce and the journey to finding success again love and in business. I had a chat with Niraj, we reminisced of old Northern Ireland, And our town Antrim. We also got terribly philosophical about well, ‘stuff’. 

Grab your copy of his book Business Growth here.

Other recommended reading for the new year:

THE NUMBER #1 BESTSELLER…Wax, Whips, and My Hairy Bits. Ann has spent a lifetime reading safe, charming romantic novels leading to a series of dull, unexciting relationships where the sex has been uninspiring and her needs and desires have come second place to a quick shag and a pint of Guinness. After experiencing an awakening she decides things have to change and she embarks on an erotic adventure. 

Join her in her quest for sexual liberation as she unleashes the passion within her and goes on a journey to find her very own Mr Uninhibited. You’ll be rooting for Ann as her desire to emulate the erotica she has read develops into a comedy of erotic errors. From hair remover cream to handcuffs, nothing turns out as she hopes and she soon begins to realise that not everything or everyone is as they seem. Ann appears to be on a never-ending learning curve but will she actually learn anything or is she destined for erotic mediocrity.

Barcelona, 1966—Even the darkest secrets won’t stay buried forever…From Barcelona’s old town to the gypsy shacks on Somorrostro beach, the intertwined destiny of two generations is unravelling. Margarita Marquez’s best friend has fallen in love with the mysterious Kiko. Uncharacteristically envious, Margarita yearns to meet someone to take her away from her mundane life and is thrilled when she meets a charming English artist.

Caught in the grip of alcohol dependence, Margarita’s mother, Carmen, is struggling as her past comes back to haunt her. She must try to heal the rift with her daughter and support her when the unthinkable happens.

Born in Somorrostro, Santi Calaf is determined to follow his dreams of becoming a doctor and is mentored by an ancient gypsy healer. He’s shocked when he discovers that she holds the key to the truth, and as her life ebbs away, the ghosts of Somorrostro can finally be laid to rest. The Road to Somorrostro is perfect for those of you who are fans of Victoria Hislop, Fiona Valpy and Santa Mont.

Eighteen-year-olds Ruben Montez and Zach Knight are two members of the boy-band Saturday, one of the biggest acts in America. Along with their bandmates, Angel Phan and Jon Braxton, the four are teen heartbreakers in front of the cameras and best friends backstage. But privately, cracks are starting to form: their once-easy rapport is straining under the pressures of fame, and Ruben confides in Zach that he’s feeling smothered by management’s pressure to stay in the closet.

On a whirlwind tour through Europe, with both an unrelenting schedule and minimal supervision, Ruben and Zach come to rely on each other more and more, and their already close friendship evolves into a romance. But when they decide they’re ready to tell their fans and live freely, Zach and Ruben start to truly realize that they will never have the support of their management. How can they hold tight to each other when the whole world seems to want to come between them? Read If This Gets Out until the end to find out!

Whatever this year brings for you, I hope it is filled, with laughs, loves, happiness and success!! 

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Anthony Miller

Anthony Miller a well known media commentator in the UK he often appears on BBC TV and radio. Having worked with Richard Jones as a Civil Partnership expert appearing on many tv channels around the world, he is excited to be writing as a columnist for Q40 and BWM. INSTA: @antmiller101 TWITTER: @antmiller101 WWW.ANTHONYMILLER.CO.UK

Anthony Miller has 29 posts and counting. See all posts by Anthony Miller

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