Monday, January 20, 2025
CommunityLGBTQ+ Rights

Astraea Foundation releases annual report on queer philanthropy

Astraea Foundation For Lesbian Justice has shared its annual report tracking the boosts given to LGBTQ frontlines in a year of global crises.

Since 1977 Astraea Foundation has leveraged philanthropy as a source of support and sustenance for queer movements in a difficult year marked by the pandemic, war, and ongoing socio-economic crises. “At Astraea, we believe philanthropy should be a steadfast source of support, willing to walk alongside movements to better understand what resources they need in order to redistribute power and achieve lasting social change,” notes its website.

The 2021 Annual Report, Sustaining Movements, Queering Philanthropy, which illustrates the impact of Astraea’s commitment to move resources to support LGBTQI organizations on the “frontlines” is now available to read online.

Inspired by nature’s ecosystems, particularly the mangrove which helps protect other ecosystems, Astraea Foundation hopes to “build bridges and create enabling environments across philanthropy and movements.”

Of special importance this year was providing resources to grantee partners that will positively impact LGBTQI communities globally.

In 2021, Astraea redistributed: 

  • More than $5.1 million USD to more than 240 organizations;
  • 70% of international grants to organizations in the Global South and East;
  • The majority of international funding to countries with obstructed, repressed and closing civil societies; and
  • 36% of funding to support trans and gender non-conforming organizing.
About Astraea Foundation For Lesbian Justice

THE ASTRAEA LESBIAN FOUNDATION FOR JUSTICE is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe. We support brilliant and brave grantee partners in the U.S and internationally who challenge oppression and seed change. We work for racial, economic, social, and gender justice, because we all deserve to live our lives freely, without fear, and with dignity.

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