Sunday, February 23, 2025

Now streaming: Award-winning LGBTQ musical, Good Enough

Good Enough: A Modern Musical, the award-winning film, is now available and streaming via Prime Video!

Good Enough has received widespread praise and awards at film festivals around the world, including Director’s Choice and Festival Favorite at Cinema Diverse in Palm Springs, California. Its modern pop/R&B soundtrack also took home the Outstanding Music Award in a Feature Film at the Micheaux Film Festival.

Good Enough: A Modern Musical tells the story of college star athlete Jamal (played by Jay Towns) who is struggling with his identity and trying to find his place in the worlds of those he loves most. He meets Trevor (played by Trey Mendlik) who could either bring Jamal even closer or set him further away from rediscovering his purpose. The film highlights the importance of self-acceptance and love and encourages viewers to embrace their unique qualities and strengths. It is a powerful message that is especially relevant in today’s world, and the film’s beautiful music only adds to its impact.

Good Enough
Jamal and Trevor in Good Enough: A Modern Musical, A Mike Spears Film, Spoltz Productions

The music featured in this film written and produced by Mike Spears has been praised for its catchy, upbeat sound and ability to perfectly capture the characters’ emotions. Audiences will find themselves humming its memorable tunes long after the credits have rolled.”Good Enough is not just a film for the LGBTQ+ community, but for anyone who has ever struggled to find their place in their own world plus in the worlds of others. Writing the script and music was my therapy at a period of time when I didn’t feel good enough”, said director and writer Mike Spears.

Produced by Spoltz Productions, independently owned by the dynamic duo of Mike Spears and Adam Boltz, Good Enough: A Modern Musical is an entertaining, unique masterpiece that could easily become a cultural classic. Soon after this release, Spoltz Productions will also release deleted scenes and bonus footage on YouTube.

Good Enough
Good Enough: A Modern Musical, A Mike Spears Film, Spoltz Productions

Whether you’re a fan of musicals or simply appreciate great storytelling, “Good Enough” is a film that you won’t want to miss. So, grab some popcorn, turn up the volume, and immerse yourself in the world of Jamal and Trevor. You won’t regret it!

The full soundtrack for Good Enough is now available on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and many other music streaming platforms. Watch the trailer below!

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