Thursday, March 13, 2025
Health & Happiness

Be a part of high equity study, Aging With Pride

The Goldsen Institute is currently inviting new participants to landmark projects: Aging with Pride: NHAS and Wellness with Pride.

Aging With Pride is a landmark study and the first federally-funded longitudinal national project designed to better understand the aging, health, and well-being of LGBTQ+ midlife and older adults.

Aging with Pride aims to paint a portrait of the lives of LGBTQ+ midlife and older adults, documenting a complex relationship between risk and resilience.

The study is designed to better understand the aging, health, and well-being of LGBTQ+ midlife and older adults. With over 2,400 LGBTQ+ adults ranging in age from 50 to over 100, this groundbreaking project leads the way in understanding how identity and life experience impact aging, health, and well-being over time.

Led by Principal Investigator Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, this project is a collaboration with community agencies serving LGBTQ+ older adults in every census division throughout the U.S. The project is funded through a federal grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA), R01AG026526.

Older LGBTQ+ also adults face dual discrimination based on their age and their sexual or gender identities, according to the American Psychological Association. Bias and misunderstanding from health-care providers may prevent some older LGBTQ+ adults from getting care, the association explains. Transgender folks, bisexuals, and queer women may especially experience discrimination and misunderstanding when seeking medical services.

“There’s a myth that LGBT older adults are more likely to be wealthy or have economic resources, when in fact, because of some of the conditions of their early life, they’re actually more likely to have a disability and live in poverty,” says Fredriksen-Goldsen, according to

This LGBTQ+ population also faces economic disparities, as explained in a 2022 study by Fredriksen-Goldsen and colleagues.

To find out more about Aging With Pride, and to check out additional information, studies, and resources, go here.

To check your eligibility to participate in the studies click here.

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