Monday, March 31, 2025

Become a Wonder Woman of VACAYA

Calling all travel-minded women: You are invited to participate and enjoy the future of diverse travel.

LGBTQ+ travel company VACAYA last month held their first Advisory Board Meeting of the Wonder Women of VACAYA, to address bringing more female perspectives to VACAYA. Now, you are invited to join a select group of women and envision the future of truly inclusive LGBTQ+ travel.

The Wonder Women Bingo Brunch Social will be hosted by Johanna Pscodna and comedian Shann Carr. You’ll be entered to win a room for 2 on VACAYA’s 2021 New Orleans Cruise when you attend the event — be sure to invite your girlfriends! “You’ll get to know us, we’ll get to know you, we’ll share some drinks, chat about VACAYA, play some bingo, laugh till our sides hurt, and have a great time together!” says Johanna.

This is your chance to share any feedback you may have that you’d like VACAYA to consider to help make it the only choice for open-minded LGBTQ+ travelers and their straight ally friends. “Our goals are big… ultimately we’d like 25% or more of our guests to be lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, MTF, and straight-allied women or those somewhere magically in between,” says Johanna.
Johanna and her wife Jen will be leading the Boatslip Resort at Ptown Summer Jamboree this June. “We’re committed to creating a fabulous yet safe environment for you. If you have any questions about the experience, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me directly. I’m always here for you. And of course if Ptown is a little too soon for you, we’ve got lots of great vacations to choose from that are a little further out – our circumnavigation of Iceland in September, our Mexico Resort trip over Halloween and Day of the Dead, our close-to-home New Orleans Cruise in November, and our incredible line-up of 2022 vacations – CaribbeanSeychellesCosta Rica, and Antarctica. I know I’ll get to welcome you on one (or more) and I can’t wait!”

VACAYA will host a Bingo Brunch Social for Wonder Women on April 11, 2021 at 2pm ET, so mark your calendars, prepare your mimosas, and SAVE THE DATE! The Zoom link is here.  

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