Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bolsonaro and Trump stand “side by side” on “traditional family lifestyles”

Yesterday, Donald Trump and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro held a joint press conference as part of the Brazilian President’s first visit to the White House. Bolsonaro said the two countries stood “side by side” to reject LGBTQ rights. 

Bolsonaro said (via translator): “In conclusion, may I say that Brazil and the United States stand side-by-side in their efforts to ensure liberties and respect the traditional family lifestyles and respect to God, our creator, against the gender ideology and the politically correct attitudes and against fake news.”

“Drawing inspiration from Ronald Reagan, I wish to bring to Brazil his administration style, as summarized in the following citation, “People should say what the government can do and not the other way around.” The United States changed in 2017, and Brazil has started to change now. We stand against it to the ultimate benefit of the two nations. We want to have a great America, yes, and a great Brazil. May I voice my admiration and recognition to president Donald Trump on this beautiful day where we seal the promising alliance between the two most promising and largest democracies in the Western hemisphere, may God bless Brazil and the United States of America.”

Bolsonaro once described himself as “homophobic and very proud of it,” and in 2011, told Playboy that he would rather his son die than be gay. “I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I prefer that he die in an accident,” he said.

Trump congratulated Bolsonaro on his “tremendous” election victory, and said he expects they will work well together as they “have many views that are similar.”

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