Monday, March 31, 2025

British TV presenter Phillip Schofield comes out as gay

TV presenter Phillip Schofield took to Instagram on Friday morning to announce that, at the age of 57, he is gay.

Schofield, who has two daughters with wife of 27 years Stephanie Lowe, made the announcement via a lengthy post on his Instagram story thanking them for their love and support.

“Today, quite rightly, being gay is a reason to celebrate and be proud,” he wrote.

“Yes, I am feeling pain and confusion, but that comes only from the hurt that I am causing to my family.”

Phillip Schofield found fame on children’s TV in the early 1980s with the BBC. He then went on to star in the West End production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Doctor Dolittle. He also fronted gameshows on prime time BBC TV before transferring to ITV to front their morning show This Morning in 2002. He has remained in this role ever since and has become a staple host across the ITV network.

It is clear that Schofield has grown up in the generation where TV presenters were likely encouraged not to talk about their sexuality for fear of ruining their career. A lot of these older stars are now having to play catch up to live their lives truthfully and we celebrate that. He is also inspiration to other 40+ people who have yet to make the decision to live their lives truthfully and open, and we hope that with these positive icons, more people can do so.

Following his Instagram message, Schofield then took to the sofa of his own morning show, This Morning, to be interviewed by his regular co-host.

“All you can be in your life is honest with yourself and I was getting to the point where I knew I wasn’t honest with myself,” the presenter said. “I was getting to the point where I didn’t like myself very much because I wasn’t being honest with myself.”

Instagram Statement in Full

“You never know what’s going on in someone’s seemingly perfect life, what issues they are struggling with, or the state of their wellbeing – and so you won’t know what has been consuming me for the last few years. With the strength and support of my wife and my daughters, I have been coming to terms with the fact that I am gay. 

“This is something that has caused many heart-breaking conversations at home. I have been married to Steph for nearly 27 years, and we have two beautiful grown-up daughters, Molly and Ruby. My family have held me so close – they have tried to cheer me up, to smother me with kindness and love, despite their own confusion. Yet still I can’t sleep and there have been some very dark moments.

“My inner conflict contrasts with an outside world that has changed so very much for the better. Today, quite rightly, being gay is a reason to celebrate and be proud. Yes, I am feeling pain and confusion, but that comes only from the hurt that I am causing to my family.

“Steph has been incredible – I love her so very much. She is the kindest soul I have ever met. My girls have been astonishing in their love, hugs and encouraging words of comfort. Both mine and Steph’s entire families have stunned me with their love, instant acceptance and support. 

“Of course they are worried about Steph, but I know they will scoop us both up. My friends are the best, especially Holly, who has been so kind and wise – and who has hugged me as I sobbed on her shoulder. At ITV, I couldn’t hope to work with more wonderful, supportive teams.

“Every day on This Morning, I sit in awe of those we meet who have been brave and open in confronting their truth – so now it’s my turn to share mine. This will probably all come as something of a surprise and I understand, but only by facing this, by being honest, can I hope to find peace in my mind and a way forward.

“Please be kind, especially to my family.”

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Robin Gray

Robin is the co-founder of Queer Forty. He loves movies, TV, politics and video games. He has a passion for shining a light on underserved segments of the LGBT community and telling their stories.

Robin Gray has 18 posts and counting. See all posts by Robin Gray

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