Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bromance is in the Air in LA’s Cher and Xtina Musical

Sexy ladies of burlesque get some gender bending in “Brolesque” at LA’s Rockwell Table & Stage.

The bro-ed up musical parody, which starts Jan. 31, tips its hat to the Cher and Christina Aguilera musical and puts on a tribute show with all men.

In talking to its leads Garrett Clayton (TV’s “Hairspray”) and KCdilla (from the ever so popular “Dragula”), they never used the word drag but instead opted for gender bending.

KC takes on the Cher role. Big heels to fill for sure. KC though says he’s making the part his own and staying away from most Cher stereotypes. So it will be very unlikely that he’s going to do “If I Could Turn Back Time.” He says that each performance is different and he “puts it out in the universe and see where it goes from there.” Sometimes, his spontaneity stems from a mistake. KC recalls that he once stumbled off the stage in his giant stilettos and he just had to move forward and make it work.

KC likely can bring a lot of originality to his Cherization of the role as he didn’t grow up very aware of the icon. He confesses that he happened to work with Chaz Bono and Chaz told him who is mother was and KC researched and became “awe struck.” KC now is embracing other divas from pre-millennial times like Madonna and more.

He went on to say that the intimacy of the cool Rockwell stage, where the audience is also eating and drinking during the show, sometimes is a fun challenge for performers as food and cocktails may be delivered during an important part of the choreography.

Clayton concurs and loves that close connection to the audience. Clayton, who grew up before our eyes from Disney to the sexy “Hairspray” Link character, loves performing live and having so much fun with his “Brolesque” character modeled after Aguilera. “I’m mixing a bit of Christina with Tim Curry of ‘Rocky Horror” and developing a characterization somewhere in the middle.”

Clayton is very comfortable on stage as well as screen. He’s spent the last few years in various musical productions and has perfected his cabaret act, which has lead him to feel more at home when he goes on the intimate Rockwell stage.

While he has a few recent movies to his credit, his focus right now is the stage as, he says, when you perform live you have to stay in character the whole time and there are no retakes. He adds it’s also a little different every time and that makes it “so much fun.”

If you want to have fun with boys, get tickets for “Brolesque” which currently will run once a week through the end of February at www.rockwell-la.com.

Photos by Bryan Carpender

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Kevin M. Thomas

Kevin M. Thomas, or @ReelKev, is an arts blogger and entertainment reporter. In addition to his own website, www.reelkev.com and ReelKev YouTube channel, Kevin used to be the LGBT arts writer for Examiner.com and contributes to progressivepulse.com as well as a semi-regular on San Francisco's cable TV show, "10 Percent."

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