Saturday, July 27, 2024

Calling all activists and organizers: Training now available!

Our LGBTQIA+ community is under attack! Do you want to help fight back? Do you want to know the tools to become an effective activist and to make a difference? The National LGBTQ Task Force can now help you!

The National LGBTQ Task Force and partner organizations today announces the launch of the “Building Queer Power” Training Series, held May through December. 

This training series will expand and hone the skill sets and knowledge of movement leaders and newly energized activists to build a bigger, more impactful intersectional movement for queer liberation. The training session range in content from Organizing 101 to how-to host a direct action or tell personal stories as testimony.

The three-week series will be made available bi-monthly through the end of 2023.

Registration can be found here.

Series 1 – Rapid Response Skill Set

Week One: Direct Action 101

Week Two: Giving Testimony: A Primer

Week Three: Building Coalitions 101

Series 2 – The Basics [July, Dates TBD]

Week One: Organizing 101 – Base Building+ Outreach 

Week Two: Organizing 101 – Mobilization 

Week Three: Grappling w/ Power 101 – Power in Movement: Personal Reflections, Systemic Connections

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