Friday, March 28, 2025

Calling all lesbians: A new survey wants you!

A groundbreaking new survey is being conducted ahead of Lesbian Visibility Week (22 to 28 April 2024), which aims to increase lesbian visibility, build public understanding of LGBTQIA women and non-binary people’s experiences and make a positive difference in our lives.

In 2024, Lesbian Visibility Week’s theme is ‘unified not uniform’ — celebrating the diverse experiences of LGBTQIA women and non-binary people as well as the strength of our LGBTQIA community.

This research is the chance to make sure that your voice is heard and your experience is understood. Help us change the conversation and set a positive agenda for LGBTQIA women and non-binary people.

Lesbian Visibility Week is headline sponsored by the London Stock Exchange, and the survey is being conducted by leading UK and US lesbian magazines, Curve and DIVA, in partnership with Kantar Group, a global data, insights, and consulting company based in London, England.

The survey takes between five to eight minutes to complete. It will ask you some sensitive questions, which you may prefer not to answer. However, if you choose to, your responses will only be used for aggregated statistics (overall percentages), to analyze groups of people. Your responses will be confidential to Kantar and DIVA Media Group and Curve.

Please share the 2024 Lesbian Visibility Survey with your networks to create a groundbreaking study highlighting our community’s specific needs.


Take the survey here.

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