Sunday, February 23, 2025
CommunityLGBTQ+ Rights

Cathy Woolard urges us to get behind #Act4Equality campaign

The former President of the Atlanta City Council and Georgia’s first elected out politician has a message on Women’s Equality Day.

“Today is Women’s Equality Day, a national commemoration of the historic day in 1920 when women won the right to vote in this country,” says Woolard, who served on the Atlanta City Council from 1998 to 2004.

“I’m proud to exemplify the incredible progress women have made over the last century. In 2002 I became the first woman elected president of the Atlanta City Council, and during my term on the Council was the first openly-LGBTQ elected official in Georgia history.

Woolard, 64, also worked as Executive Vice President of Global Advocacy and External Relations at CARE; on behalf of Planned Parenthood and Georgia Equality, with whom she argued against a controversial “Religious Freedom” bill; and as the interim director for AID Atlanta, an organization providing care for those suffering from HIV and AIDS. She ran for Atlanta mayor in 2017 Atlanta mayoral election, placing third in the race. Woolard served as a Georgia member of the 2020 United States Electoral College, casting her votes for Biden as president and Harris as vice president.

She continues to advocate for causes including passing the Equality Act.

“Right now, federal nondiscrimination laws don’t fully protect women from discrimination. If passed, the Equality Act would update federal law to include comprehensive, explicit nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people and improve protections for all women, regardless of our sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Woolard is urging everyone to get behind Freedom For All Americans’ #Act4Equality campaign.

We want to fill this wall with your photos so senators can see the depth and diversity of support for LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections. Adding a personal comment to your submission makes it even more powerful.

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