Monday, March 31, 2025
Health & HappinessOpinion

Celebrate the Best of Jonathan & Sergey

There’s this concept I like to call “getting stuck within”. It’s when we get stuck inside our own insecurities, our own stories and most of all when we only see ourselves from our internal perspective. It happens when we get caught up in the daily struggles or the day to day. It happens when there’s no moment to stop and breathe. It happens when a big life change happens. Sometimes, it just happens. It can distort our perspective of who we are and what we’ve accomplished, and it’s not that we forget our achievements, but we really have to dig deep to find the joy that comes with them.

Being stuck with only your perspective of yourself is a little bit like the opposite of arrogant, but not exactly modest or humble either. Mostly, this feeling is a lot like losing touch with your power.

When stuck within, we see our perspective as the hurdles we must overcome, the trials we’re put through and the work we’re putting in. Yet if we stop and ask a friend how they see us or the work we’ve accomplished, its much different. They’ll celebrate, cheer, tell you you’ve come so far. The way we are seen is so much different than what we thought and what our inner self allowed us to think.

So what’s the antidote? Well there’s many, but I’ll tell you what Jonathan and I do.

To keep our perspective, we have to celebrate often, which is my favorite method! Celebrate our accomplishments as well as overcoming the hardships throughout the years. We also have to make sure we appreciate the friendship outside of the business. Sure we have fun making media and entertaining, but we probably have a thousand times more fun being weird goofballs laughing at stupid jokes together. Yet of all the methods we have, there is one that stands above all and that is to look back and realize how far we’ve come.

With this episode of the Martini Lounge, we bring you that experience, the look back. It’s a throwback from the first days of podcasting and through some of our favorite moments over the years.

Of course, a “Best Of” is never possible with the best of fans and listeners, the real praise goes out to you. Enjoy!

The Martini Lounge is available on iTunes, Podbeanand Stitcher


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Jonathan & Sergey

Sassy, informative, opinionated. There, we picked three words to describe us. The two of us have been in entertainments for over 5 years as a duo and we're here to stay. From podcast to film, we keep it sassy with a splash of classy.

Jonathan & Sergey has 2 posts and counting. See all posts by Jonathan & Sergey

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