Sunday, January 26, 2025
CommunityLGBTQ+ Rights

Census Bureau survey includes sexual orientation and gender identity

The Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey now includes questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, marking the first time a Census Bureau survey contains questions about individual LGBTQ+ people! This is a historic and crowning achievement in our work toward justice for the LGBTQ+ community.

The Household Pulse Survey is now live and out in the field. It will provide new insights into how our families are faring through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The National LGBTQ Task Force as been working to queer the census since the 1990 Census when they urged same-sex couples to check the recently added “unmarried partner” box.

“This is a testament to our collective and persistent advocacy demanding that we be counted, seen, and valued. Thank you for taking action with us,” said Mayra Hidalgo Salazar (she / ella), Deputy Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.

“We already know the everyday struggles people face are compounded for LGBTQ+ people, and now we’ll have more data to show it. This is a major advancement, and the path ahead for justice for LGBTQ+ people is far from over.”

“Your action delivered us to this win, and we can’t stop now! We need your help to secure full discrimination protections. LGBTQ+ people are still subject to rampant discrimination in housing, quality healthcare, public accommodations, and more.”

Find out more about Queer the Census here.

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