Saturday, July 27, 2024

Center for Fiction presents new queer workshop

The Queer and Coming of Age reading group is led by poet Thomas Dooley.

The Center For Fiction is focusing an upcoming reading group on books featuring queer outsider protagonists inc coming-of-age narratives. The following books on the reading list will inspire and guide conversations:

Session I: Lot by Bryan Washington
Session II: Gulf Dreams by Emma Perez
Session III: Oranges are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Session IV: Edinburgh by Alexander Chee

The reading group will take place over 4 sessions via Zoom on Wednesdays, 6:00 PM EDT – 7:30 PM EDT from March 24 to June 23, 2021.

Leading the group is Thomas Dooley, a poet who has taught creative writing at New York University and the craft of fiction at Saint Peter’s University. He is the Artistic Director of Poetry Well, an organization that celebrates and promotes poetry as a vital part of our individual and collective wellness.

Poet Thomas Dooley

As a practitioner of medical humanities in area hospitals, Thomas facilitates literature and writing workshops with clinical staff and offers narrative interventions at the bedsides of patients and caregivers. His debut collection, Trespass (Harper Perennial, 2014) was selected by the National Poetry Series.

Register for the series here.

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