Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Chauncey Dandridge and Van Hechter’s collaborative single, Disco Brother

Chauncey Dandridge and Van Hechter are back with their latest collaboration, ”Disco Brother”!

DJ, blogger, poet, activist, photographer, actor, singer, event producer — you name it, Chauncey has an extensive performing arts background in both production and marketing that enables him to be close to the pulse of the NYC theater and nightlife scene as well as links to many of the more politically progressive non-profit organizations throughout the Metropolitan area.

Chauncey has done lighting and sound design for a multitude of events, handling all aspects of production, helping raise funds and awareness for groups like the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), Marriage Equality New York, The Municipal Arts Society and The Trevor Project. He has developed a growing roster of local artists and musicians whose careers he helps nurture and promote.

Van Hechter is a Montreal-based pop artist with an edge. His tracks are catchy, easy to dance to but are always underlined with humor and social criticism. The fact is; Van is perpetually exposing his foolishness to make us laugh and think… — He grew up between Canada, France and the U.S.A. He is French-Georgian.

The song begins with a steady house music / disco vibe where we’re then gifted with the boys serving vocals. From start to finish, this song is a full bop that’s a must listen in every club! With a mix of industrial percussion and guitar, along with their unforgettable vocal delivery and lyrics, this track is one to remember on the dance floor. This song brings the fun and the light, so be sure to stream it on all platforms now!

I had the opportunity to interview them both about this track and more. Check it out below!

Bryce Quartz: How did you two find yourselves making music together?

Van: It was all very ”organic”… I said: ”Hey there, DJ- let’s make a song together”. He said: ”Let’s make many”! As simple as that!

Chauncey: A few days after World Pride in 2019, Van suggested we make a song together. We ended up making a bunch!

BQ: What inspired you to make this track?

V: I believe in chosen families. I believe in sticking together as LGBTQ folks. I personally don’t need blood to know who my family is- and I believe that if we could all dance together more often there’d be less division among human kind!

C:  We just started calling each other Disco Brothers from the beginning.  Our bond has been surprising and unique and definitely cemented through music.  Van wrote the perfect song with two meanings, one about our brotherhood and the second about how the queer community needs to stick together through thick and thin if we want to accomplish anything.

BQ: What was your favorite part in creating this song together?

V: Filming the video! From organizing it with cinematographer Gio Spano over dinner- to finding two extras on the spot- then greeting Chauncey who’d just flown in from NYC and shooting the whole thing in one afternoon while the guests were watching.  We had no means, no time, no plan hahaahah! But we made up a little scenario and had such a fantastic day! Plus- I love the result! It’s exactly ”us”.

C:  Every song we’ve created has pushed me vocally in ways I wasn’t sure my voice was capable of.  I’m pretty new at this side of things.  Van wouldn’t settle for anything less than my best.  It’s been an exciting rollercoaster ride for sure.  The video was super fun to film as well.  Being in different countries, we really have to make things happen when they happen.  We’re like two shooting stars across the sky and when we meet it’s magic!

BQ: If you could describe this track in 3 sentences or less, how would you describe it? 

V: A unicorn flying over a rainbow sprinkling glitter on human misery. That’s the song.

C: If The Tramps, Sylvester, The Village People and The Scissor Sisters met in Funkytown, this song would be playing from everyone’s boombox as they walked down the street.

BQ: What can we expect next from the both of you?

V: We have 2 more songs to release… I’ll let Chauncey tell you about ’em…

C: The pandemic really made this project special as it forced out releases and being in the same country difficult.  We have two more songs coming from this current project. 

One is about the love you sometimes experience in a one night stand and the other is a song about not letting your haters or your bullies bring you down.  I’m excited for them.  They really round out this collection of songs that truly encapsulate the experiences of a gay man of a certain age.  These songs are modern emotions told through a nostalgic sound.  I am so very proud of what we’ve done together!

BQ: Thank you boys for taking the time to answer those questions for us! 

Chauncey and Van also did a fantastic music video to go with the track. Check it out below!

Follow DJ Chauncey on FacebookInstagramTwitter and Mixcloud
Follow Van Hechter on FacebookInstagramTwitter and YouTube

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