Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cher has a new boyfriend and some people have feelings about it

Cher is back in the headlines as rumors of a new man in her life spreads across the internet.

The one-named superstar of the music scene and silver screen was photographed holding hands with Alexander “AE” Edwards on November 2 and has since been spotted with him all around Los Angeles. Naturally the pair have had tongues wagging given their age difference with Cher being 76 and Edwards being forty years her junior at 36.

Cher took to Twitter, her preferred social media platform, to seemingly confirm their relationship by tweeting a photo of Edwards along with the caption “Alexander” along with a heart emoji. Naturally this invited lots of commentary and discourse during which Cher then tweeted that “Love doesn’t know math” in a since deleted tweet.

Edwards is a music executive at the Universal Music Group and until 2021 was in a long-term relationship with Amber Rose, with whom he has a child. He appears to have met Cher during Paris Fashion Week this past September.

Of course, fans of the gay icon know that she has always dated younger men, from Tom Cruise to Val Kilmer and, perhaps most famously, Rob “Bagel Boy” Camilletti in the 1980s.

When the pair met, he was an aspiring actor from Queens, New York working a day job at a bagel store, thus providing fodder for the moniker which haunted their relationship throughout its duration. The press did not deem to take the struggling actor seriously given his and Cher’s 18-year age difference at the time.

“You know, he was making bagels at the time. And I thought, ‘What will my friends say if I go out with him?’ But the more I got to know Robert, the less I cared what anybody thought. He may have talked like one of the Lords of Flatbush, but he had so many great qualities, I couldn’t believe it,” Cher told the now defunct New Woman magazine in 1988.

Throughout their relationship from 1986-1989 Camilletti would appear in Cher’s “I Found Someone” music video, accompany her to the Oscars where she won best actress for Moonstruck and would get into a headline making skirmish with the paparazzi as part of a building media frenzy around the couple which ultimately resulted in their breakup.

Given the scrutiny Cher is seeing with Edwards now, some 30 years later, indicates that there are still some prejudices we cannot, as a culture, overcome. Famous women are routinely scrutinized for dating younger men when their male counterparts do it all the time, often to mass acclaim. However, if there is one thing we know about Cher, it’s that she doesn’t back down from a challenge; and one could safely bet that the Cher of 2022 will not let public scrutiny take her man away from her this time.

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