Saturday, March 29, 2025

CineKink returns for its 17th (virtual) festival

Add a little spice to your winter watch-at-home viewing.

Responding to health concerns related to COVID-19, Pink and White Productions has created an online film festival livestream platform to address the needs of an international adult festival community whose events have been postponed due to physical theater closures and restrictions.

The goal is to allow the community to continue safely online despite the cancellation of in-person events and restrictions or closures of venues.

CineKink has gone online this year | Photo by Stacie Joy

“Forced to scrap our annual festivities in March, we’ve finally found a way to bring our fantastic line-up to you…virtually,” says CineKink director Lisa Vandever.

The festival features a specially-curated program of films that celebrate and explore a wide array of sexuality in 12 curated live-streamed programs, filmmaker Q&As, kinky kick-off bingo with raffle prizes, a “Bring It!”-style adult entertainment vote showdown, the CineKink Awards Celebration and a do-it-yourself “Afterglow” play party to wrap the festivities.

A still from Thee Debauchery Ball

Festival passes, including access to all CineKink 2020 virtual screenings and events, are available for $30. Film passes, including admission to all CineKink 2020 virtual screenings + awards celebration are $20. Access to film programs is solely via a festival or film pass. A la carte tickets are available for Kinky Kick-Off Bingo at $20; access to the CineKink Awards Celebration is free.

About PinkLabel.TV and CineKink

Created and curated by Pink & White Productions’ Director Shine Louise Houston, PinkLabel.TV provides a streaming platform for independent adult filmmakers, with additional resources aimed to further their craft and help films find a global audience.

A still from Volunteers Wanted

Billing itself as “the kinky film festival,” CineKink returns for its 17th annual appearance – virtually – December 2-6, 2020. An organization dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of sex-positive and kink-friendly depictions in film and television, works showcased by CineKink range from documentary to drama, comedy to experimental, mildly spicy to quite explicit – and everything in between.

Tickets here. Peruse the full schedule here. There really is something for everyone — straight, gay, lesbian, trans, non-binary, and more.

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