Monday, February 24, 2025

Cynthia Nixon: ‘Vote For the Homo, Not For the Cuomo’

Cynthia Nixon spoke at the 118th annual Legislative Correspondents Association show yesterday, where she spoke as a hopeful in the running for New York governor. 

While there, she resurrected her opponent’s, the incumbent Andrew Cuomo’s, father’s 1977 campaign slogan: “Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo.” Except this time, she flipped the phrase to something much more palatable: “Vote For the Homo, Not For the Cuomo.”

“Andrew Cuomo is known for dirty politics but I have to give credit where it’s due,” Nixon said to the crowd, reports NY Daily News. “His history of cutthroat campaigns, helped inspire my campaign’s new slogan.”

The original Cuomo Sr. slogan was intended to cash in on societal homophobia at the time, and rumors that his opponent, NYC Mayor Ed Kock (whom he lost to), could have been gay.

Take a look at the original smear campaign below:

Source: Twitter @KingAndrewCuomo

H/T Out Magazine

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