Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dazzling portrait series promotes LGBTQ+ mental health

Naima Green has captured the stunning diversity of our community with a focus on queer mental health in her My Chosen Family series.

With queer-identifying people twice as likely to suffer from mental health issues, social media support groups have become crucial for the LGBTQ+ community to find a sense of belonging and discover critical support systems for times they need it most. Queer Mental Health epitomizes the power of these groups. 

Queer Mental Health is one of five LGBTQ+ communities that are part of an upcoming portrait series shot by renowned queer portrait photographer Naima Green. Each community featured in the portrait series represents how chosen families can empower LGBTQ+ young adults to live freely, and to love and be loved in return. 

Photographed by Green in partnership with Facebook, the My Chosen Family portrait series celebrates the power of community and the freedom it provides for LGBTQ+ young adults to live openly, and to love and be loved in return. 

With 39% of LGBTQ+ adults rejected from their biological families, online spaces like Facebook Groups has been a safe haven for underrepresented communities to share their stories, create movements, and organize around shared interests that represent the future of queer progress.

The portrait series features a diverse range of chosen families representing the intersectionality of the LGBTQ+ community related to race, gender identity, and artistic expression of marginalized audiences “under the rainbow” who are underrepresented in the broader progressive Queer conversations.

  • The House of LaBeija (from HBO Max’s Emmy-nominated series Legendary): The House of LaBeija is the oldest and most revered house in New York’s ballroom scene, and was the first ballroom house to host benefits to raise awareness during the 1980s HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Subtle Asian Queer Traits: Subtle Queer Asian Traits (SQuAT) is an open source global network that is fighting the stigma and cultural barriers within the API community by encouraging members to have important conversations, embrace both their Asian and queer identities, and champion self-love.
  • Queer Mental Health: Queer Mental Health is a joint effort to provide a safe space for queers in NYC and surrounding areas to discuss mental health issues and find comfort in camaraderie.
  • NYC Queer Activists: NYC Queer Activists is a  community of organizers, activists, leaders, educators, artists and more created to mobilize & empower each other to make their city safer & more inclusive for all of its Queer/Trans residents.
  • Ballroom #Clips #Dips #Tea: Ballroom #clips #dips #tea is a global family that provides a safe space for queer people and allies to showcase their talent, share upcoming events, find inspiration, and create lasting relationships

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