Saturday, January 25, 2025

Drag and the Waterfront event presented by South Street Seaport Museum

Fancy a spot of queer New York City history? South Street Seaport Museum presents Queer History: Drag and the Waterfront, featuring author and drag legend Linda Simpson on February 17, 2023, at 7pm at The Green Room at Pier 17, 89 South Street, NYC.

Why are queer communities often found at geographic peripheries like the waterfront? What is the connection between drag and the seaport? Join the Seaport Museum for a conversation with drag performer and documentarian Linda Simpson, who will answer these questions while illuminating the “herstory” of drag on the waterfront.

In this lively presentation, Linda Simpson explores the relationships between queer community and geographic periphery and drag and New York’s seaport. She will share personal photos and memories (including the annual Wigstock and a drag-themed boat cruise that embarked from the South Street Seaport) curated for this event—a firsthand archive of the rise and evolution of drag and queer activism in New York City during the 1980s and ’90s.

Linda’s lookback on nightlife, queer activism, and pop-culture moments, not to mention colorful characters such as Lady Bunny, Lypsinka, Mona Foot, RuPaul, and Leigh Bowery, will educate, entertain, and provide a deeper understanding of those who laid the foundation for today’s drag renaissance.

A complimentary toast will follow the presentation.

This event is free, and advanced registration is required. For more information and to register for this all-ages event, visit here.

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