Friday, March 14, 2025

Eddie Redmayne and Jessica Chastain bond over their new Netflix film

Stars Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne sat down with IMDb to answer burning questions about their new Netflix film, The Good Nurse.

Based on a true story, the film tells the story of a night nurse who is shocked when one of her colleagues is found responsible for the murder of dozens of patients. 

During the interview with IMDb, the two Oscar winners laugh over bonding on the set of a very dark true crime film—surprisingly, over the Hokey Pokey and pizza, with Redmayne revealing, “We both have young children, there is this thing called the Hokey Pokey apparently in America which we call the Hokey Cokey in England, and we had a fiendish argument about which was the right thing…but pizza was where we found our mutual love.” 

The two also shared their favorite performance of each other’s: Savage Grace was Chastain’s favorite Redmayne star turn. He said, “It’s a toss-up between Zero Dark Thirty and Tammy Faye but the fact that that same actor is playing both of those parts is extraordinary to me.” 

Watch the video here. Read the excerpt below.

IMDb: What did you bond over while shooting?

Jessica Chastain: The Hokey Pokey, pizza, nursing school

Eddie Redmayne: The Hokey Pokey was a thing… we both have young children, there is this thing called the Hokey Pokey apparently in America which we call the Hokey Cokey in England, and we had a fiendish argument about which was the right thing, but Pizza was where we found our mutual love.

JC: Can you believe he calls it the Hokey Cokey which sounds like some Scorcese movie to me.

ER: Oooh!

What was your first reaction to this true story?

JC: I was shocked that it was a true story, it’s the most prolific serial killer in the history of America and the United States – hadn’t heard about it. Then I thought well surely this has been written up to make it more Hollywood-y and more like a thriller – nope! Like the very last scene, I don’t want to give too much away, the last scene between Amy (Chastain) and Charlie (Redmayne) is absolutely real. What about you, Eddie Redmayne?

ER: Exactly her answer! That was just too good an answer to possibly respond after that!

JC: So lazy… come on!

ER: I want to talk about Pizza!

What performance from each other’s career blows you away?

JC: I like all your performances, all of them! I remember seeing Savage Grace and being like ooooh!

ER: I love that you watched Savage Grace, only like 3 people watched that movie and you were one of them.

JC: Of course I did, In the movie theater!

ER: It’s a toss-up between Zero Dark Thirty and Tammy Faye but the fact that that same actor is playing both of those parts is extraordinary to me. But, I’ve just found out that she was in an episode of Poirot with David Sushet and that is my actual favorite television in the world and I thought I had watched them all but I haven’t.

JC: Clearly you didn’t! Are you a real fan?!

ER: And after this day! I’m so excited.

What helped you find your character?

JC: I talked to Amy, and I asked her “why did you become a night nurse?” And she said she wanted her children to think they had a stay at home mom, because she was a single mother. And I was so moved by that idea that she was working at night when her children were asleep so she was never really awake taking care of herself she was always taking care of others and that was my way into the character.

ER: One of the things was a telephone call which I heard a recording of, his voice is so specific – he was like “hey Amy, it’s Charlie. It’s been a wacko day, it’s been a wacko” and he used the word wacko and it was such a throw away an there was a touch of arrogance and insouciance to it… and “hey Amy” became this like mantra that I would do before every scene and it was my way of finding his voice.

JC: And to me, it was so creepy.

Who would do better wearing a wire?

ER: Definitely Jessica, even though my job is to act in real life if I have to like, lie my entire body gives it away. I go like beat red, I start sweating. I would have been a catastrophe in that situation.

JC: Yeah, I don’t really blush so maybe it would be, I don’t blush and I don’t sweat. Isn’t that a weird thing?

ER: I sweat… I am sweating right just even thinking about the idea of sweating.

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