Saturday, July 27, 2024
CharityLGBTQ+ Rights

Emergency in Beirut: Help LGBTQ+ Community Members Affected by Blast

Following the massive chemical explosion that destroyed Beirut, the LGBTQ+ community in Lebanon is facing tremendous and immediate need.

All Out, a global LGBTQ rights organization dedicated to love and equality, has launched a support campaign for those affected by the explosion in Beirut. The offices of All Out’s partner, Proud Lebanon, were badly damaged, some of their staff are missing, and many LGBTQ+ community members are now homeless, hungry, and left with nothing.

The neighborhoods hit hardest by the explosion were where many LGBTQ+ people lived. Many are unable to access emergency services because of ongoing criminalization and bigotry LGBTQ+ people face in Lebanon.

All Out raising funds to help pay for emergency shelter, food, medical supplies, and post-trauma psychological support for the LGBT+ community in Beirut.

Donate today and your gift will be matched by a generous All Out donor, up $6,000.

To read more information and to donate, please visit

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