Sunday, January 26, 2025

Eric McCormack to Receive Prominent LGBTQ Community Award At Point Foundation Gala

Point Foundation (Point) will present its Impact Award to Eric McCormack, one of the most beloved actors of TV, as well as film and stage. The award recognizes an individual making a significant impact on improving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) plus allied community. Point Foundation is the nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students of merit.

In addition to his Emmy-winning work on “Will & Grace”, McCormack produces and stars in Netflix’s popular sci-fi drama, “Travelers” (season 3 premieres this winter). He has appeared in numerous other TV series, films, as well as Broadway and Off-Broadway. McCormack was a vocal supporter of the legalization of same-sex marriage. He is also widely lauded for his advocacy and philanthropic work on behalf of organizations such as Stand Up 2 Cancer, Project Angel Food and the ASPCA.

“Growing up, I was a bit of an outsider. So, I have always been attuned to how society tends to single out people negatively because of their differences, whether they are gay, immigrants, or people with chronic illness,” said Eric McCormack.

“I am fortunate that today I can use my visibility to bring attention not just to problems, but also how organizations such as Point Foundation are offering solutions. As a parent of a child who will soon be college-bound and as an ally of the LGBTQ community, I am honored to be receiving the Point Impact Award.”

Eric McCormack and the cast and creative team of ‘Will & Grace’ didn’t set out to change the world, but they did. Their success has helped make it easier for our Point Scholarship recipients to live their truths proudly as LGBTQ people,” said Jorge Valencia, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Point Foundation. “As our Point Scholars take on leadership roles to improve society, they have a staunch ally in McCormack. We are grateful for his support of the LGBTQ community and are elated to honor him.”

Steven Canals and Leona Lewis

Also being honored at the October 13 gala is Steven Canals, the writer, Co-Creator, and Co-Executive Producer of the acclaimed FX Series “POSE.” Canals will receive the Point Horizon Award, given to a trailblazer who has taken a leadership role as an advocate of the LGBTQ community. Comedian and writer Solomon Georgio will host the festive evening, which features a special performance by Leona Lewis. Some of Point’s 97 current scholarship recipients and 300 alumni will be present to share their inspiring stories about how they have overcome challenges to achieve their higher education degrees. #PointHonors                                   

About Point Foundation: Point Foundation empowers promising LGBTQ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society. Since 2002, Point has awarded more than 400 scholarships. The Foundation promotes change through scholarship funding, mentorship, leadership development and community service training.

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