Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fabulous new trailer for ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ released!

The first trailer for Everybody’s Talking About Jamie has been released, and queer people everywhere are ecstatic!

Based on the glittery and fabulous West End musical of the same name, the film stars Max Harwood as 16-year-old Jamie New, who dreams of becoming a fierce drag queen.

The trailer, which was released on National Coming Out Day, sees Jamie sitting in class as his teacher Miss Hedge (Sharon Horgan) asks the class what careers they plan on pursuing. Jamie, who has been looking at pictures of drag queens on his phone, says “A performer.” Later, as he’s speaking to his friend, he puts a pair of sparkling red heels on the table in front of her, proclaiming that he no longer wants to just “play” dress up. 

Originally due for release on February 26, the film seems to be a fierce celebration of Jamie’s queerness, as well as an emotional rollercoaster, as it will also delve into the rejection Jamie faces from his father, who wonders what’s “wrong” with his son.

“I’m done with this. I wanted a son so badly and I got you,” his father says in the trailer. However, his mother encourages him to continue pursuing his dream of becoming a drag queen.

Released on Sunday, the trailer sent fans of the musical into a frenzy, as all of the unicorns and glitter loving queers and allies rejoiced with anticipation. Everybody’s Talking About Jamie seems to be exactly what the world needs right now!

Watch the trailer for Everybody’s Talking About Jamie below!

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