Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Filmmaker Molly Hewitt has UK premiere of film ‘Holy Trinity’ at Q-Film Weekender Festival

On Saturday, November 9, 2019, filmmaker Molly Hewitt’s cult-classic comedy Holy Trinity, which also had its New York premiere on October 28, will have its European Premiere as part of the Q-Film Weekender festival at Northampton Fillmouse. 

The film centers on Trinity (Molly Hewitt), an independent, sex-positive millennial working as a Dominatrix in Chicago. After an incident huffing her drug of choice – a mysterious aerosol can from the ubiquitous Glamhag brand – she finds herself with a newfound gift for speaking to the dead.

Confused and more than a little curious about this strange turn of events, Trinity seeks the counsel of a colorful cast of characters – priests, drag queens, a witch, and more – all of whom teach her their unique spiritual practices.

Boasting an inclusive cast and crew comprised of diverse communities often neglected in mainstream cinema, Holy Trinity approaches typically taboo subjects with vigor and acceptance.  It’s a raunchy, entertaining celebration of all that makes us different.

The Q-Film Weekender will return to the Northampton Filmhouse from Friday, November 8 to Sunday, November 10, 2019 for its third year. 

Running across three days, the festival celebrates queer cinema from around the world, showcasing LGBTQIA+ talent and films with an exciting program of features and shorts, exclusive previews and complementary events. Tickets for the festival are now are sale. 

Holy Trinity will screen In Competition for The Lamplighter Award for Best Feature Film. Filmmaker Molly Hewitt will be participating in a Q&A following the screening!

If you plan to attend the festival, consider purchasing the Festival Pass. The pass allows you to watch 10 exciting films and screenings from around the world for £70 (standard) or £45 (ages 18-25). Holy Trinity is included in the Festival Pass. Discount automatically applies at checkout.

For more ticket and showtime information, click here!

Follow Q-Film Weekender on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to discover more screenings and events soon!

Watch the trailer for Holy Trinity!

Watch the trailer for Q-Film Weekender!

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