First gay Black man elected in Texas
Jalen McKee-Rodriguez is the first gay Black man elected in Texas, beating an anti-LGBTQ incumbent in San Antonio City Council race.
LGBTQ Victory Fund, the only national organization dedicated to electing LGBTQ leaders to public office, has celebrated the victory of Jalen McKee-Rodriguez in his runoff race for the San Antonio City Council. With his victory, McKee-Rodriguez became the first out gay Black man ever elected in the state of Texas. Victory Fund had awarded McKee-Rodriguez Spotlight Candidate status – a designation that provides more resources and support to the campaign.
McKee-Rodriguez once worked for his opponent, incumbent City Councilwoman Jada Andrews-Sullivan, but left her office in 2019 after facing retaliation for reporting anti-gay discrimination and harassment. Just last week, poll watchers heard two pastors who endorsed Andrews-Sullivan tell congregants voting for McKee-Rodriguez would be a “sin.”

“Jalen shattered a lavender ceiling in Texas, and it came as right-wing state legislators target LGBTQ people and people of color with bigoted policies aimed at rallying their extremist political base,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund. “We need more people of color, young people and LGBTQ people in state and local government who will ensure politicians look to improve the lives of Texans, not further marginalize them. Jalen’s victory is a rejection of the homophobic and racist politicking so fashionable in Austin and it will inspire more LGBTQ Black leaders to run and win.”
More information about all of Victory Fund’s endorsed candidates is available at Since 1991, Victory Fund has helped thousands of openly LGBTQ candidates win local, state and federal elections.