Sunday, February 23, 2025

First look: Feminist horror-drama movie, Nightsiren

Nightsiren is a compelling women-driven drama that explores witchcraft and trauma.

The award-winning drama is directed by Tereza Nvotová, with a screenplay by Barbora Namerova and Tereza Nvotová and headed to the US in October after garnering praise and attention at international festival screenings.

Set in a secluded mountain village, the film tells the story of two sisters who endure a tumultuous upbringing under the tyranny of their abusive mother.

A young woman returns to her native mountain village, searching for answers about her troubled childhood, but as she tries to uncover the truth, ancient legends begin to invade modern reality, leading the villagers to accuse her of witchcraft and murder.

Nightsiren addresses the resurgence of ancient beliefs in modern day Slovakia and how issues , such as misogyny, xenophobia, and mass hysteria still prevail in our modern world and tells the story of what it takes to be free when we choose to step off the beaten path.

“The new Slovakian horror film Svetlonoc (Nightsiren) is crafted by filmmaker Tereza Nvotova with tremendous, skillful craftsmanship. ” — Film Review

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