Sunday, January 26, 2025
LocalNew York

FLOWERS celebrates Black trans women and femmes of New York City

The National Black Justice Coalition, a leading national Black LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, has announced the launch of FLOWERS, a new media project that celebrates the lives, legacy and existence of Black transgender women and femmes in the New York Area. 

Led by Sage Dolan-Sandrino, the Monica Roberts Fellow at the National Black Justice Coalition, FLOWERS aim to start a conversation about trans life, legacy, and existence through a conversation-based photo series shot by and for members of the trans community. 


“I work daily to transform the reality of being a trans woman of color. As an Afrocuban queer artist, I use my art and my camera lens to depict a reality in which we are celebrated, protected, recognized, and loved in the ways we are so deserving of and in the ways I know we can be!,” explained Sage Dolan-Sandrino. “FLOWERS is my practice for this mission. This project is actively celebrating, documenting, and sharing the lives, work, and legacies of black trans-femmes.”

Specifically, FLOWERS tells the stories of seven incredible Black transgender women and femmes in the New York area, including: 

The National Black Justice Coalition’s FLOWERS project shares the stories of Black trans women and femmes with the hope that  viewers will equip themselves with the tools neded to start informed conversations in their communities today, and support legislation that would ban discrimination and harassment. 


FLOWERS was created and led by Sage Dolan-Sandrino. Zahri Josita Jackson served as director of photography and cinematography. Tamara Blake Chapman was the lead portrait photographer, and Six L. served as the lead editor and production manager.

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